There are powerful positive effects from getting your hands into the soil. SEED Center is helping to bring families in need to get their hands dirty while learning to plant and maintain vegetable gardens.

If there's one thing COVID19 has taught us, it's better to be resilient and have strong immunity. Home grown organic food is not only cheaper, but it's packed with vitamins and nutrients that make us healthier.
Every child should know where their food comes from and be empowered with the skills to grow vegetables and fruit.
Not everyone has access to places to grow food, so SEED Center is connecting families with places where they can have space to tend to their own edible garden.
Planting the Seeds of Resilience
Jenn Linder is passionate about providing life skills to young people that help them be healthy and positive humans.
SEED Center provides places, training and resources to grow, cook, preserve and share food with others.
